Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Extra, Extra!: Ant-Man's New Teaser Trailer

In which I report on the latest in entertainment news.

Well, it's finally here.  One of my most anticipated films of 2015 finally released a teaser trailer during last night's premiere of Agent Carter.  That's right, Ant-Man is here and the pint-sized here looks absolutely phenomenal.  Just check out the trailer:
I've always maintained that Michael Douglas was the perfect actor to play an aging Hank Pym, although Paul Rudd as the younger incarnation of Ant-Man still leaves me feeling a bit cold.  I'm sure that he'll be fine in the role when all is said and done - because, after all, Marvel has an uncanny talent for unerringly choosing the right people for the right projects at the right time - but I still can't get too enthused by the cow-eyed, Ryan Reynolds look-alike headlining a superhero film.

It's also worth noting that this sadly Edgar Wright-less film will feature John Slattery as an older Howard Stark - returning to the role for the first time since Iron Man 2.  It will also feature Hayley Atwell as Peggy Carter, who seems to be making a small career out of this one character, appearing in Captain America: The First Avenger, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and now her own show, Peggy Carter.
I personally love the fact that Marvel is going to such great lengths to meaningfully incorporate and develop their supporting characters over so many different films and TV apearances.  It adds a degree of depth to the MCU that other shared universes, with their hellbent focus on their superpowered headlliners, simply can't match.

DC came close with Gotham - their Gordan-centric Batman series - but it is completely divorced from anything resembling a shared universe; it doesn't tie in with other DC TV shows like Flash or Arrow, doesn't tie in with either the most recent Nolan trilogy nor will it tie into the new DCCU, so it's actually not plumbing the depths of anything other than how long people will tune in to not see Batman every week.
At any rate, I am stoked about the movie and can't wait for it to hit theaters.  What are your thoughts about the trailer / movie?  Is there anything that you're especially happy / disappointed about?  Share your thoughts in the comment section.

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