Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Extra, Extra!: BBC Breaking Ties with Netflix?

In which I report on the latest in entertainment news.

It may very well be that some day soon - probably sooner than you'd think and certainly sooner than you'd like - there will be no more Doctor Who on Netflix.  And not just Doctor Who either: SherlockLuther, Black Adder, Coupling, Top Gear, the original House of Cards and every other BBC show that is currently streamable through the company.  The end is nigh.
This is because the contract between Netflix and the BBC is due to expire at the end of the month.  Unless it is renewed, or at least revisited, the BBC's surprisingly vast library of shows that are currently available to stream will disappear in February.

There's already an online petition underway to at least save Doctor Who, whose immense cache of programming would be sorely missed by its innumerable fans (myself included).  I can only presume that a second one will pop up for Sherlock, whose fanbase is nearly as fervent.
I can only hope that Netflix manages to work something out with the BBC on this front, because Doctor Who is quite possibly the best show that it has available.  It, Breaking Bad, Madoka Magica... there are only so many absolute treasures at the company's disposal.

So binge on your favorite Brit shows while you can, because they might not be around as long as you might hope.  I know that I'll be trying to fit in as many of my favorite new Who episodes as I possibly can, between unseen episodes of Sherlock and at least the third season of Black Adder.  Needless to say, there might not be much time to watch actual movies over the next two and a half weeks.
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