Friday, June 26, 2015

Blog Update: Keeping Up with the Filmquisition

In which I detail upcoming changes to Filmquisition.

As many of you may have noticed, my current schedule is proving to be increasingly prohibitive to the publication schedule that I had set out to keep up with.  Some days I can only post a fraction of what I promised - if I post anything at all - and I'm in a constant frenzy to catch up whenever I get a space minute.  It's a losing option at best, and needs to be addressed.
Change needs to happen.  There's just no way around it.  I need to either adapt to my new schedule or fall hopelessly behind on everything.

Upon reviewing my options, I think that toning down the reviews is the best way to go.  They're the articles that easily take up the most time to hammer out - both in terms of writing and given that I actually have to watch something pertaining to it.  It's just not realistic to hammer out five movie reviews a week when I'm holding down 2 or more jobs on the side.
That doesn't mean that I'm stopping the reviews entirely, just that I'm slowing things down on that front.  I'll still publish a Weekend Review and Revisited article each week: something old and something new.  Unreality Companions are still floater articles that might sometimes turn into reviews.  While the other two - From the Vault and Date Night - can still pop up from time to time when my schedule allows for it, just not regularly.

Naturally, this will shift the focus of Filmquisition to editorializing and news, punctuated throughout the week by the occasional review.  Since Lady's Choice has gotten up and running, though, it's entirely possible that Filmquisition will continue to put out its full compliment of 15 articles each week, although the exact numbers are as much reliant on Becky as they are on myself.
With a bit less on my plate to worry about, this should keep me from falling behind on other articles that simply lost out to me struggling to keep up with my reviews.  I'm looking into other ways to make up for this deficit - ways that might not take up quite as much time as the review series - but that's a subject for another time.

Other than Extra, Extra, WTF and Lady's Choice, this is what the publication now looks like:

The Weekend Review
The Weekend Report



Throwback Thursday

Unreality Companion
The Weekend Forecast
So now that Filmquisition has scaled back a bit, what would you like to see out of our other article series?  Would you like to see movie reviews incorporated into Lady's Choice or more often featured on Unreality Companion?  Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Join the Filmquisition on Twitter (@Filmquisition) or by subscribing to this blog.

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