Monday, April 13, 2015

Extra, Extra!: Our First Look at Ant-Man's Yellowjacket

In which I report on the latest entertainment news.

With Age of Ultron well in hand and Daredevil having finally hit Netflix, Marvel seems to be redoubling their marketing push for Ant-Man.  And seeing as how we've really only been working off of one trailer for that movie so far, that suits me just fine.  Late last week, we finally got our first look at the movie's antagonist: Yellowjacket.
If the measure of a villain was how awesome he looked in his getup, Yellowjacket would be Marvel's best one yet.  By making black the costume's prominent color and yellow its supporting color, it changes it from looking mostly silly to massively intimidating.  The same goes for changing out the "popped collar" look for what appear to be weaponized stingers modeled after his namesake,

These changes are just further proof that things that look good on paper don't necessarily look good on screen.  If we would have seen his traditional accoutrement, we would have laughed our way out of the theater.  The same goes for if we would have seen more strongly comic-inspired versions of Wolverine or Electro.  Imagine if we would have seen something closer to this instead:
And that's the best rendition that I could find of the costume.  Most were far brighter shades of yellow and much less muscular (in a sense, sillier).  The new getup, though?  It's just the right combination of badass and terrifying for a supervillain.

Ant-Man is a movie that I think will actually sneak up on a lot of people.  Think about it, Marvel's big 2015 release is Age of Ultron, which has seen an incessant marketing push for months now.  DC, the only other substantive name in superheroics, has been pushing both Batman vs Superman and The Suicide Squad pretty hard.  To top it off, it seems like every other 2015 blockbuster is getting a larger slice of the public's attention than Marvel's pint-sized July release: from Fury Road to Terminator: Genysis to Spectre to The Force Awakens.
But Ant-Man?  It's pretty much just killing time until its release date at this point.  People know that it exists, obviously, but their attention has been firmly directed elsewhere.  If the movie proves to be even half as good as Guardians of the Galaxy, it'll be a monumental success seemingly out of nowhere.

So what are your thoughts on Yellowjacket's new costume?  Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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