Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Extra, Extra!: DC Pulls Batgirl #41 Variant Cover Amid Controversy

In which I report on the latest in entertainment news.

It seems that DC's every decision as of late - at least since they decided to turn Starfire into a nymphomanic draw for their New 52 comic reboot - has been mired in sexualized controversy.  The latest hot-button issue that they've been the focus of - a variant cover of Batgirl #41 featuring the Joker - has resulted in the publisher from pulling the art from publication.
The cover (shown above) is an homage to Alan Moore's 1988 comic Batman: The Killing Joke.  In that story, Batgirl was shot, paralyzed and implicitly raped by the Joker.  It was scheduled as one of 25 Joker-themed variant covers to be released in June, but was pulled at the artist's request after he realized how upsetting it was proving to be with the comic's fans.  In a statement made about the cover's cancellation, artist Rafael Albuquerque wrote

My Batgirl variant cover artwork was designed to pay homage to a comic that I really admire, and I know is a favorite of many readers. 'The Killing Joke' is part of Batgirl’s canon and artistically, I couldn't avoid portraying the traumatic relationship between Barbara Gordon and the Joker.
For me, it was just a creepy cover that brought up something from the character’s past that I was able to interpret artistically. But it has become clear, that for others, it touched a very important nerve. I respect these opinions and, despite whether the discussion is right or wrong, no opinion should be discredited.
My intention was never to hurt or upset anyone through my art. For that reason, I have recommended to DC that the variant cover be pulled. I'm incredibly pleased that DC Comics is listening to my concerns and will not be publishing the cover art in June as previously announced.
While it's only natural for a company as stories as DC to reference an incredibly memorable and well-received storyline from their past - and regardless of how excellent the would-be cover actually looked - it was more than just a little short-sighted of them to ever approve that particular piece, especially given the incredibly youthful and ultimately optimistic direction of the title and its characters in recent years.  Simply put, 1988's Batgirl doesn't jive with 2015 Batgirl.  Concerning the cancellation, DC has stated that

We publish comic books about the greatest heroes in the world, and the most evil villains imaginable. The Joker variant covers for June are in recognition of the 75th anniversary of the Joker.
Regardless if fans like Rafael Albuquerque’s homage to Alan Moore’s THE KILLING JOKE graphic novel from 25 years ago, or find it inconsistent with the current tonality of the Batgirl books - threats of violence and harassment are wrong and have no place in comics or society.
We stand by our creative talent, and per Rafael’s request, DC Comics will not publish the Batgirl variant.
So what do you think of DC's decision to pull June's variant cover of Batgirl?

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