Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Extra, Extra!: Supergirl's New Makeover

In which I report on the latest in entertainment news.

Like Aquaman, Supergirl is getting a whole new look for her upcoming TV series on CBS.  Those of you have been following the fledgling DC Cinematic Universe might actually recognize the look that Kara's going for this time around.
Clearly based off of Superman's darker attire from Man of Steel, Supergirl's been made over to clearly match her cousin's new look.  Needless to say, her costume is incalculably better than her comically bright outing in 1984's God-awful Supergirl movie.

Although she sports her signature skirt (which would have earned her a dress code violation at my high school), it's counterbalanced by knee-high boots, and a long-sleeved top, making her show less skin than she historically has in the past.  And let's just all be grateful that they didn't decide to incorporate Power Girl's "boob window" into the new costume.
What did I tell you: Boob Window.
All things being equal, I'm really excited about the series and about the aesthetic choices that they've made with the costume.  That being said, however, I would have much preferred to see Supergirl sporting her variant white costume (not to be confused with the above monstrosity).

Supergirl's problems - although historically frequent and systematic - have largely come down to not being distinguishable enough from her more famous cousin: of living in Superman's shadow.  Her white costume would make her more visually distinct from the last son of Krypton, setting the tone of the series as being more than just "Superman with boobs."
My concerns are more with her coloration than with the style of her outfit.  I would be more than happy with it if they still went with covering her midriff, elongating her sleeves, lengthening her skirt and stretching out her boots, although all of that would hardly be necessary.  This costume, or at least some variation on it, would keep her from being just another Superman in the public's eyes, regardless if that's what the character actually started out as in the comics.

So what do you think of Supergirl's new costume?

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