Monday, March 23, 2015

Trailer Park: Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

In which I discuss the latest movie trailers.

This weekend was a double whammy for the as-of-yet named Mission: Impossible 5.  Not only did we find out its real title - Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation - but we got our first teaser trailer for the movie as well.  Watch it here.
There's actually a lot going on in this trailer, and all of it looks awesome.  We have our first look of the cast in action - which includes Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg and, oddly enough, Alec Baldwin.  We also see a few trailer-worthy action sequences - including the aging Hunt hanging onto the outside of a plane in take-off - and the movie's premise.

It appears that this time around, Hunt and his team will be taking on the Rogue Nation: essentially an evil version of the Impossible Missions Force.  Although not entirely clear why at this point, the movie is mostly going to be a spy vs spy showdown where each team tries to take the other out.
I have to admit, I'm pretty pumped for this movie now.  Although always playing second fiddle to the Bond franchise, the Mission: Impossible series has always delivered astoundingly entertaining action films with a charismatic lead and some truly outrageous stunts.  Even though the second film dropped the ball, the next two movies picked it right back up with two of the most insanely memorable outings of the franchise.

I can't wait for the movie's first full trailer to explain the actual plot of the film, since all we have right now to run with is the premise.  I expect that we'll be seeing that sooner, as opposed to later.  Don't believe me?  Just remember how I called Mockingjay - Part 2's teaser trailer on Friday, which hit theaters this weekend.
So which Mission: Impossible movie is your franchise favorite?  Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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