Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Trailer Park: Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer #3

In which I discuss the latest movie trailers.

The countdown to May has begun.  With less than two months between now and Age of Ultron's big screen premiere, Marvel's released the third trailer for their flagship film of 2015, which you can check out here:
The thing that struck me most about this trailer was Ultron's realization that "we can tear them apart from the inside."  This is immediately followed by Scarlet Witch using her powers on Black Widow.  And given that we evidently see the main six fighting alongside the Witch and Quicksilver at the 1:54 mark, it seems to suggest that the twins are going to infiltrate the group as potential allies before setting them against one another when they most desperately need to come together: similar to how Loki set the team against itself in their first team-up.

This is further supported by Hulk's crimson eyes in the second trailer, which many speculated were caused by the Scarlet Witch's powers.  It is also the most likely cause of the heavily publicized Hulk vs Hulkbuster showdown, which has been a highlight of every one of these trailers.
We also get snippets of other big developments in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  The first of these is the completed Avengers Tower - built from the ruin of Stark Tower in the aftermath of the invasion of New York.  We also get an extended glimpse at a potential Romanov / Banner romance, which is a far cry from the playful banter she had with Cap' in The Winter Soldier.  It also dishearteningly speaks to Betty Ross' return to the MCU as Banner's main love interest.

Nick Fury - who was presumed dead by anybody not featured in The Winter Soldier - coming out to the Avengers is a new wrinkle in works.  Does this foreshadow the reveal of Coulson's well-being to the team, or is that on more secret to be compartmentalized until it becomes absolutely necessary?  And just what the Hell was Stark doing with Loki's scepter at the 1:14 mark?
In case it wasn't already obvious, Age of Ultron is as much a sequel to The Avengers as it is a prequel to Captain America: Civil War.  The seeds of Civil War's conflict are planted here, where Stark's hellbent desire for peace are not only in step with Hydra's "ends justify the means" philosophy with Project Insight, but produce the biggest threat to global security since S.H.I.E.L.D.'s snafu with the Tesseract.

And Stark getting a hold of Loki's scepter?  I seriously doubt that anything good will come of that.
We also get our first look at The Vision, if only briefly.  Word on the street is increasingly that The Vision will swoop in to save The Avengers from themselves, which certainly needs to happen at some point with Scarlet Witch's evident manipulation of the team throughout the film's trailer(s).  My money's on him acting as Stark's contingency against Ultron: an artificial intelligence kept close to the chest, more in line with what Iron Man and the Avengers as a whole are all about.

So what was your favorite moment from the new Age of Ultron trailer?

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